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Yuma Attorney Service provides comprehensive legal support and courier services to law firms and all other business units in Yuma, Arizona. Dawson Legal Documents & Services is open Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. What days is Dawson Legal Documents & Services open? We strive for excellence in every service we provide. Our staff is always ready to meet strict deadlines and all necessary special agreements. We have fully trained staff and a process server. Read more Yelp users haven`t asked any questions about Dawson Legal Documents & Services. Looking for process servers in Yuma, Arizona? We are happy to take care of your process service needs. Call. Yuma Attorney Service L.L.C. is the largest litigation firm offering litigation services in the entire Yuma region. We provide court services, including filing, case finding and document retrieval, scheduling and hiring for hearings, and obtaining judges` signatures for orders. Court documents can be extracted from any existing court record and forwarded to your office in a timely manner. We also search Yuma County records and can retrieve any registered documents.